The OECD Investment Committee and its partners in the Task Force are seeking the public’s views through an online consultation on the draft text of the Policy Framework for Investment and avenues for future use. This draft is work in progress. Comments of all sorts are welcome -- from a general assessment of only a few lines to detailed, point-by-point remarks.
The Policy Framework for Investment aims to help governments improve their investment environments, taking into account the broader interests of the communities in which investors operate. Drawing on good practices from OECD and non-OECD experiences, the Framework supports the United Nations Monterrey Consensus adopted in 2002, which emphasised the critical importance of private investment, both domestic and foreign, for achieving important development objectives, including the Millennium Development Goals.
The Monterrey Consensus ascribed responsibility to governments for creating the domestic conditions for private investment to flourish.
The Policy Framework for Investment proposes a set of practical policy considerations in ten inter-related areas that contribute to a healthy investment environment. Governments can make use of the Policy Framework for Investment in country self-evaluations and reform implementation, in regional co-operation, and in peer reviews. The Framework can also provide a reference point for international organisations' capacity building programmes, investment promotion agencies, donors as they assist developing country partners in improving the investment environment, and business, labour and other non-governmental organisations in their dialogue with governments.
Following completion, the OECD, working with the World Bank, UNCTAD, and other international organisations, will assist governments and interested parties in using the Framework.
While the Policy Framework for Investment is addressed to governments, it is to be seen in the broader context of other converging international initiatives to improve the investment climate, including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
The Framework is being developed by a Task Force through a partnership process involving OECD and non-OECD government representatives, in co-operation with civil society and international organisations.
DRAFT TEXT: Download the draft text of the Policy Framework for Investment in pdf file format.
CONTACT: Comments may be sent to Takeshi Koyama, OECD Investment Division [].
CUT-OFF DATE FOR COMMENTS: In order for comments to be considered at the next meeting of the Task Force in March 2006 and by the other OECD bodies involved in the development of the Policy Framework for Investment, they must be received by 10 February 2006.
POSTING COMMENTS: Comments will be posted on the OECD Investment Committee’s website ( It is the policy of the OECD to publish all responses, and anyone not wishing to have his/her response published, or anyone wishing to remain anonymous, should say so explicitly.
COMMENTS NAMING ORGANISATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS: The purpose of the consultations is to provide inputs of generic interest for the Task Force’s consideration – they are not intended for use as a forum for waging campaigns and self-promotion.