This report is a literature review of the impact of global private financial flows on growth, inequality and poverty. It is a diagnostic, not a policy paper. Its two aims are to challenge complacency on the issue of reforming the global financial architecture, and to identify avenues for future research that would allow to narrow the gap but supporters and critiques of financial globalization. Reform proposals can be found elsewhere on this site (see After Neoliberalism: Economic Policies that Work For the Poor.)
The value added of this report is that:
ϒ It is systematic and structured such as arguments and counter-arguments can easily be assessed against each other;
ϒ It is recent, as there have been many studies written on this subject in the past two years;
ϒ It addresses inequality, while most other studies focus on growth only;
ϒ It contains new data about the cost of capital flows, based on a database recently developed at the IMF.
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