The Institute is pleased to announce the initiatives selected as part of the Caribbean Call for Proposals, a competitive grants program supported by ICA: "Caribbean FOSS Human Infrastructure and Network Capacity Development" and "Strengthening the Caribbean ICT stakeholders Virtual Community - CIVIC- as a regional mechanism to promote and support the use of ICT for development in the Caribbean".
Caribbean FOSS Human Infrastructure and Network Capacity Development
Establish a self-sustaining regional network for capacity development and knowledge-sharing on Free and Open Source Software. This will include support for professional IT certification programs and wider public education initiatives.
"Strengthening the Caribbean ICT stakeholders Virtual Community - CIVIC- as a regional mechanism to promote and support the use of ICT for development in the Caribbean"
This proposal looks forward to contribute to the development and impact of ICTs for Development in the Caribbean through the strengthening of the Caribbean ICT stakeholders Virtual Community CIVIC, which was initiated following the first Caribbean ICT Roundtable, held in Barbados on October 28th to 31st 2002. The intention is to add the required elements to help establish the forum as a mechanism able to build a common vision/perspective on ICTs in the region, and promote a Caribbean strategy and/or regional Caribbean-wide actions that address critical development issues.
About ICA
The Institute for Connectivity in the Americas (ICA) promotes the implementation of innovative uses of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for development in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Institute strives to connect the Americas by supporting knowledge creation and capacity building, actively enabling partnerships, and co-funding projects. ICA’s vision is that by connecting the people of the Americas, we will strengthen democracy, create prosperity, and help realize the region’s human potential. As one of Canada's contributions to the 2001 Summit of the Americas, ICA was created and provided seed funding to build on the success and experience of the Connecting Canadians Strategy and Canada’s international development and ICT programs. ICA has offices in Ottawa and Montevideo; and, is currently being incubated at the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).
For more information, contact:
Maria Brunelli
Manager, Communications and Public Affairs
(613) 236-6163, ext. 2435